I’m half way rewriting my manuscript for my book, Beauty in the Eye of the Entrepreneur. Let me share with you the very fortunate opportunity that came my way. I got in touch with the CEO of a major company that TNG did business with that I highlighted in the book. The CEO referred me to a senior editor that just happened to be the editor of one of the best-selling business books of all time.
As luck would have it, he agreed to read my manuscript and give me his expert advice. Incredibly, just a few days later, he sent me with his recommendations. He said he enjoyed reading the manuscript and that his ideas would help to make the book more powerful and interesting to the readers.
I should have the rewrite completed in a couple weeks and then I will send it to him for another review. Then I can move ahead with next steps and I have a short list of literary agents to reach out to.
I also learned that there are publishers that work directly with new authors to not only get the book published, but they deal with publicity, Amazon, book tours and other tools to help the author sell more books. I’m exploring this avenue as well. One of the key initiatives is to make the author an expert at what he does. I definitely consider myself an expert at what I do otherwise I would not have written the book. However, I have never ventured off the grid and advertised myself as an expert.
A perfect example of what I am referring to is The Pavilion building that I helped fund at MSU. The Gaynor Entrepreneurial Lab was built to create new and exciting curriculum based on entrepreneurship so students could learn more about being an entrepreneur. Fully engaged students who want to learn over and above what course work is teaching them would need a coach. That’s where someone like me comes in: Offer coaching to aspiring and current entrepreneurs. That would solidify my reputation as an expert.
Now the journey not only includes the book getting published, but establishing me as an expert and signing up clients for being their coach. It makes sense because one of the main reasons for writing the book was to help new and existing entrepreneurs learn my life lessons so they didn’t have to learn them the hard way.
All of this means my blog site will be updated over the next few weeks. As always, I will keep you posted on next steps.