Meet Nick. He is 20, single, living by himself in his parents house (parents moved to Florida), dates older women, smokes all kinds of stuff, works multiple jobs, reads fiction voraciously and most importantly
Has no expectations.
Nick doesn’t own an iPhone although he does have some outdated device that allows him to play games when he is bored. Nick isn’t connected to Facebook, Twitter or the Net. Technology doesn’t excite him. Perhaps it’s because he
Has no expectations.
Nick likes to sleep in late but his working schedule gets him out of bed before 5 during the week. He doesn’t care if he shows up to work on time, ten minutes late or twenty minutes late. Why would he when he
Has no expectations.
Mind you, Nick is smart. He is decent looking, not overweight and can clean up well. He chooses not to work out even though it wouldn’t cost him a penny. You know why by now, Nick
Has no expectations.
Oh, Nick has tried to quit smoking. Nick has tried to do the responsible thing. Nick even knows he can do more and get more out of life. But right now, life is good just the way it is. And when I ask him why, he tells me the truth: He
Has no expectations.
In a world where everything is instant, everyone is connected and personal and professional goals are measured by the minute, Nick (on the outside anyway) beats to a different drummer. Listen, if you one has no expectations, then one is never disappointed about losing, about what other’s think, and what other’s accomplish. Life is easier when one
Has no expectations.
In a way, I feel bad for Nick. If you have been watching the Olympics, then you have been watching athletes with the highest expectations of all—to win Gold. And when they don’t, agony is painful. But without expectations and the occasional victory, life isn’t as much fun and sure, even the best teams don’t win every game. But getting up in the morning and without thinking about a small victory like walking a mile, losing a pound or smoking one less cigarette, what’s the point in getting up? In the end, you end up like Nick. He
Has no expectations.
Happy Wednesday!