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Michigan Sinks To New Low

For Michigan and the state of Michigan, this past weekend was all about tricks and not treats.

In a state that has been depressed for 7 years, contrarian thinking is that when the worse is obvious, do the opposite. But after you go left then right and nothing works, all you do is go in a circle that leaves you dizzy and frustrated.

Take the simple pleasure of watching football. You couldn't even watch the Lions succumb to the worst team in football on Sunday. Now the Lions once again own that title.

The Wolverines were stunned by Illinois and when Wolverine fans are chanting "Bring back Lloyd Carr" you know Rodriguez's days are limited.

As many years as I've been a Spartan fan, this is by far the worse year of agony and defeat. Losing to Minnesota was tragic and if Coach Dantonio continues to lose like this, Spartan Stadium will look like Ford Field. I have season tickets and I'm embarrassed to show up Saturday for the Western game.

Kwame is back in the news and we find out his four business buddies gave him $60K a piece to get his "s___" straight. Who knows what his buddies got during Kwame's reign in office but truth is, we know less than we think. One of his buddies is bidding on two Ohio casinos that voters will decide upon tomorrow. I wonder if Kwame has a piece of that action.

If you read the Freep on Sunday, you read that Detroit has 100,000 abandoned homes and only has a budget to demolish 3,000 of them. But with the Freep's Sunday circulation down by nearly 10%, fewer and fewer people would know such facts.

The Michigan budget passed or did it? Schools were socked with a loss of $165 per student but don't worry, there will be more bake sales. With an election year coming up, 2011 will be the year Michigan hits bottom.

Where do we go from here? The law of physics states that what does up must go down. But there is no law that states what goes down must go up. At least Ford started the week with good news for investors but bad news for union contracts.

Ford is a bright spot. Movie studios are a bright spot. Walmart announced today a second wave of price cuts on toys. Cars, movies and toys. It's a start.

Happy Monday!


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