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MSU: Go Green, Go White!

  1. Gaynor building of Cosmetology. Why not institute a 4-year program on campus? This way hairdressers and nail techs can really party without having to deal with commuting. Not only will they earn their license and undergrad degree, they will have two years of apprenticeship in hand. Who cares that it will cost $60,000- that’s what student loans are for.

  2. Gaynor building of Failures. It’s a proven fact that humans learn more from failure than success. As Spartans, we know first hand the agony of failure when it comes to our sports teams and many of its players. Enrolling in this program will ensure that students learn failure first hand from professors, coaches and others that are experts on losing. Just think of the opportunities graduates will have after this curriculum. Most likely it will be oversold in its first year.

  3. Gaynor building of Gambling. More money is spent on gambling than perhaps any other activity known to man. It’s time to have experts in this field and why not have MSU be the first to issue degrees in gambling? Students will learn about odds, book makers, participate in casino games, lotteries and understand more about the vig, bookies, Vegas and street gambling. And if possible, the program could be a dual-degree, Gambling and Failures. WOW! Until then, I have say I am a Spartan and love going to the games. I am thinking of moving to East Lansing because for as long as I have been going the games, the players, marching band and cheer squad never get older. Now I know why universities have such a large alumni population, gee, I should have figured that out long ago. Oh, there is one more reason. There is nothing more satisfying than kicking the Wolverine’s ass. On a serious note, here is a two minute video highlighting MSU’s 2010. You will note that the Spartan’s were BIG 10 champions in football. What you won’t see are clips of the bowl game: Go Green! Go White! Happy Thursday!


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