I still cannot believe that I produced three two-hour Webinars in a span of ten days. It is quite the mini-series, more than six hours covering my personal history, the history of the hair care business and my strategic vision for business in a new world order.
I sometimes ask myself why did I go through all the effort, time and expense (more than $75K) to do this? After all before the crisis I was working four days a week, taking Friday’s off, and going on vacation every three weeks. Life was good. Since the crisis I have been working 24/7 and never as much in my life. The reason why is simple: For my customers and salon professionals. That is still my passion.
My customers are at home earning no money, most with no savings, no unemployment benefits and no idea how their future is going to look once salons are allowed to reopen. They nneded some guidance and someone to give them advice and feedback. Since no one else stepped in, I took on the responsibility.
Since then, I have more loyal customers than ever (and for sure, some disgruntled customers who told me to take a hike). Here is the thing I know from being in the battlefield full time: Without PPE products, every business is vulnerable. And as the hoarding took place in toilet paper, paper towels, beans and now packaged hair color, the hoarding will be worse when salons and spas reopen. I know this.
TNG Worldwide is being transformed before my very eyes and there is no going back. My Soaring Eagles, Warriors & Survivors loyal to me is all I need. Together we are pivoting in the right way and will be more successful than ever.