Kemon NaYo and Hair Manya
Michael O”Rourke
black 15in1 The event is virtually sold out and a few tickets remain at the door. We all going to have some fun come Sunday. Are beauty shows D.O.A.? The Western Buying Conference in Vegas last week was a total bust. Sally Beauty announced it has pulled out of all trade shows and most likely, BSG as well. We made the decision to pull out of all shows too. With the consolidation that has taken place over the past few years, there are too few players to fill up the show floor. And when a niche player does come, they rent out a suite at the local hotel instead of exhibiting on the show floor. No doubt Chicago is going to be a huge mess come March with the ISSE competing against Chicago’s Beauty Show. Looks like Procter & Gamble’s Wella division is ready to take on L’Oreal and Unilever in 2011. They recently announced huge plans for the consumer market. No rest for anyone. Arby’s has put itself up for sale. I still remember when they first opened. I loved the Mocha shakes and Arby’s Supreme loaded up with both sauces. Looks like burgers are still king. Which birthday milestone do you consider the most important: 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70? True or false: The Packers are going to win the Super Bowl. WNIC 100.3 has a new FRESH format with Jay Towers. The problem for me is that I don’t know any of the FRESH songs being played. iTunes just sent me a $6.99 album special for all the hot albums in 2010. I couldn’t recognize one of them. No wonder I’m in no ones demographics anymore. Yikes. The FLIP video camera is one of more incredible inventions of all time. Our very own Gary and Deanna Lincoln depart today for their TNG 20th anniversary cruise. They are so excited Gary bought extra flash memory for his camera. When I asked him if we was packed yesterday, he replied “I’ve been packed since July. Deanna didn’t want me to stain any of my shorts.” Now there is a commitment. Warner music also put itself up for sale recently. CD’s, DVD’s are dead. How much longer for books, greeting cards and land line phones? JWOWW tanning lotion is hot, hot, hot. Celebrities sell. Do you notice the days are getting longer? Spring is only 8 weeks away. Happy TGIF!
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