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Pinnacle Peak Rises to the Top

One of life's great little luxuries is a weekly manicure. I know because I have been getting one for the past 12 years (that was when I was told as the CEO of a nail company you should get your nails done).

Truth is, you look at your hands way more than your hair, yet hand care costs significantly less than hair care so good looking hands should be a priority.

When you get a weekly manicure, you notice other peoples hands and nails. Let's face it; with all the talk about metrosexuals, there still aren't a whole lot of guys that would even consider getting a manicure. I can see the Miller Lite ad now with a guy at a salon drinking a brewski with one perfectly manicured hand wrapped around the bottle. Not!

Once you get into the routine, it's tough to get out. When I miss a week, my nails start talking to me. The pterygium starts growing like a weed with no relief in sight.

After years of getting a manicure, I will share with you a couple of secrets for keeping nails looking good for an entire week compliments of my nail tech, Tish.

After filing the nail, lightly buff the nail with a fine sanding block. This allows the treatment products to adhere to the nail plate.

Use a nail dehydrator (I use Pinnacle Adhere) which removes all oils and contaminants. I then use Pinnacle Peak, a perfectly remarkable nail strengthener and then top it off with Pinnacle Glacier quick dry top coat.

The final secret is the dab of Avoplex oil (I love the new Cuticle Oil to Go applicator) on each cuticle.

So let's make next week "Support the Nail Industry" week by getting a manicure. It will make your holiday weekend that much better.

Happy Thursday!


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