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The Jessica Simpson Phenomenon

I never subscribed to People, The National Enquirer, or any other celebrity magazine. I don't watch E!, Oprah, music videos or attend concerts (except for Buffet). I don't buy CD's and although I do downloads from i-Tunes, it certainly isn't for pop music.

Celebrities have a way of getting their name out even if you live in a cave. I can see it now: one caveman walks in to a cave with a club in one hand and its prey in the other and tells the other caveman, "Did you hear about the latest Jessica Simpson song?"

Forget about Simpson the music star. Sure she debuts at the Grand Ole Opry later this week and launches her latest album with a country flair. Big deal. I'm talking about Simpson the business woman.

We have sold her hair extensions going on 3 years and although sales have slowed, we have sold more than $1 Million of the stuff. Simpson's first fragrance launched recently and she already has her own handbag, shoe, and accessory line. Bras are next. Then dresses. And perhaps the world.

The question I have is "what makes a celebrity a celebrity and why do we bow to them?" We are gossip-driven and love the lust, the slime, the gritty. is it about fantasy? One thing is for certain, celebrity-driven business is great for many industries.

Which brings me to the obvious question: What can a celebrity do for our business? Tammy Taylor in the day was the celebrity for nails but she had her own company and pitched her own products. Simpson doesn't sell a single product on her website except for some ring tones and wallpaper (can you believe?).

In hair care, we mostly have seen hairdressers who do celebrities come out with their own product line which is hot for a brief moment and then dies off. Fekkai was the most "celebrated" of them all but then sold to Proctor & Gamble (you can now buy his hair color for home for $30). Jonathon on Bravo was fun until he got into products and I think both his locations closed.

Which celebrity would you love to see for the nails? For hair? For spa? How cool would that be?

Happy Wednesday and Come on Over!


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