As we complete our transition from The Nailco Group to tng worldwide, it is both shocking and amazing what one finds when massive updates need to be made all at the same time.
It reminds me when we move to a new dwelling. First, we access all our stuff and wonder how we acquired all our stuff and what we are going to do with all our stuff. When we moved a few years ago, there was stuff from my 20's, 30's and 40's. There was stuff from when the business was born. Who needs all this stuff?
I'm not a collector. My motto is that if I haven't used it in a year, it goes into my favorite file cabinet of all-the dumpster. I know for sure when I die that none of my kids are going to want to go through my stuff and be sentimental about any of it. In fact, photos and videos aren't even as important as they used to be.
During Thanksgiving, I took out a few photo albums that I spent hours and hours putting together. I figured, hey, the kids are here and they can look back at vacation, wedding, birthday and general photos and see what they looked like back then. After 30 seconds, they lost interest and the albums went back to the basement next to my albums from college.....
The great thing about moving is that you have to decide what stuff to take with you. Then you have to get boxes and box it all up. Only when it is packed into the box does the stuff mean something. And even when it gets to its new home, some of the stuff doesn't make it into the closet or drawers.
Transitioning a company name is no different. We had to update our catalog, magazine, website's, business cards, stationary, signs, key tags, I.D. cards, stores, showrooms, invoices, boxes and the list goes on.
What is great about transitioning is that you not only do you get to update everything but you decide what stuff is important and what stuff isn't important.
For instance, we decided that our in-box survey cards were no longer important as more of our customers have email and get their invoices sent to them. Our online survey is quick, convenient and instant.
Ultimately, change is good because you get to sort out your old stuff and create new stuff. Let me tell you, I love our new stuff and everything is fresh, the colors are brilliant and the enthusiasm is overflowing.
Check out your desk, your office, your home, your closet, your car. What changes can you make now that will help make 2009 and tomorrow better? What can you transition that will bring great change?
I know one thing for sure: I love the new tng worldwide. I hope you do to.
Happy Thursday!